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New tobacco and nicotine products


An approval scheme for new tobacco and nicotine products entered into force 1 July 2021, cf. Forskrift om godkjenningsordning for nye tobakks- og nikotinprodukter (regulation only in Norwegian). 

Businesses that wish to import and/or sell tobacco and nicotine products that have not previously been on the Norwegian market (before 19 May 2014) must apply to the Norwegian Directorate for Health for approval of these products. Read more about the scheme on the Norwegian Directorate for Health website 

E-cigarettes and hookah tobacco are not covered by the approval scheme, cf. section 7 of the regulation. E-cigarettes will be covered by a separate registration scheme which is expected to enter into force in 2023.  

Until the new regulations enter into force, it is still prohibited to import, manufacture, and sell nicotine-containing e-cigarettes (including the associated e-liquid) in Norway. Private individuals who use nicotine-containing e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation product can still legally import these from abroad, cf. Forskrift om tilvirkningog import avlegemidler § 3-2 (regulation only in Norwegian).

The Customs authority may request that a prescription or medical declaration be submitted stating that the product is intended for smoking cessation.