Exporting firearms
The Norwegian Firearms Act or Export Control Act regulates the export of firearms, parts thereof, and ammunition. The act that applies depends on the type of export.
Crossing the border with weapons, parts thereof, and ammunition
When you cross a border with weapons, parts thereof, and ammunition, under the general rule you must present the weapons and documentation to Norwegian Customs for inspection.
- Use the red channel
- If you have a valid permit from the police for importing or exporting a weapon
- Use the red channel
- If you have purchased a weapon abroad, regardless of whether it is within or exceeds the value limit.
- Exceptions: Use the green channel
- If you have a valid weapons pass and are travelling within the EU/EEA.
Norwegian Customs can and will seize weapons found during green channel inspections even if the permit is in order. The only exception is if you are travelling with a valid weapons pass.
The police are responsible for the Norwegian Firearms Act, while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for the Export Control Act.
As a rule, we distinguish between commercial and private export.
Commercial export
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ rules apply to the commercial export of firearms, parts thereof, and ammunition. (An example of commercial export is when registered firearms traders sell firearms outside of Norway.)
The rules also apply to exports relating to private sale abroad. A government export licence is required for the export of firearms covered by this legislation. For more information, check www.eksportkontroll.no.
Note the exception in § 8 c of the export control regulations regarding the export of firearms, parts thereof, and ammunition exported in accordance with section five of the regulation on firearms (in Norwegian).
Strategic goods and defence equipment
Private export
The regulation on firearms applies to the private export of firearms, parts thereof, and ammunition.
Regulation on firearms (in Norwegian)
If the export is permanent, through sale or gift, you must have a permit from the chief of police. More information is available at politi.no (in Norwegian)
If you intend to export the firearms temporarily, such as in connection with a hunt or competition, other rules apply, see: Travelling with firearms
Updated: 14/02/2025